
Founded in 2018, The Jampad is Toronto’s first inclusive music school and music making space. The Jampad introduces new ways of learning music creation with a mix of old-fashioned music tools like keyboards, drums and guitars, along with modern music tools like samplers, loopers, computer software, and drum pads. Our goal is to allow everyone (and we mean EVERYONE!) to have the chance to learn, create, and play music. Our unique way of teaching is through jamming. Say goodbye to learning your scales! We believe in letting you pick up and play and learn by trial and error just like the founders have done themselves! Does this sound interesting?

About the JamPad

About the Jampad.

Founded in 2018, The Jampad is Toronto’s first inclusive music school. The Jampad introduces new ways of learning music creation with a mix of old-fashioned music tools like keyboards, drums, and guitars, along with new modern ways of making music with things like samplers, loopers, computer software, and drum pads.

Why “Jampad”?

We believe that the old way of teaching might work, but it’s not necessarily fun for all people. The Jampad aims to change this with the concept of “jamming”: you pick it up and play with it, we will help you to learn of course but we believe people learn music best when they play with the equipment they want to in the way they want to. We at the Jampad enjoy jamming with people, we love to make music in groups, especially when we bring new people who have never made music or have limited knowledge of how to. They can learn how to make their own skill in music better but also help us make our music even better with people who bring in their own new ideas into it. We believe jamming together with other people makes learning music for new or even experienced people a lot of fun and we hope that everyone enjoys this way of learning how to make music.

Why we believe in being inclusive.

We think music making is something everyone should be allowed to learn if they want to no matter their age, race, mental, or physical ability/condition. We know music is great and by limiting the people who are allowed to learn how to make it, we cut off so much possible talent, new ideas, new types and new ways of making music. Jampad sessions are inclusively designed to allow people of all levels of experience and knowledge to jam simultaneously.

We love sharing music!

One thing that’s important about making music is sharing music. A way of learning music is jamming to stuff you already know and we love doing that. We’d like to make teaching music through jamming as fun as possible! We love to meet new people and do jamming together with them, we think jamming is a great social activity. Jamming is a great way you can interact through music and we enjoy sharing music with new people.

History of the Jampad

The founder of the Jampad (Adam) started out working as a supply teacher/educational assistant at schools in Toronto. Adam would bring in his own music equipment to schools for students to check out and jam with. The founders met in one of the schools the founder worked in. The co-founder (Eli) was a student in an elementary/middle school in his final grade there.

As Adam worked with Eli and other students in the same and other schools he began to realize that jamming could be a great way for kids to learn music that can be FUN instead of BORING. The co-founder would tell Adam many useful ideas and was also the first one to begin recording their jams together. Despite his age, it was clear to Adam that Eli possessed a breadth of knowledge about computers and audio engineering that would complement his own range of musical talents.

During their time in the school, troubles with a teacher began to arise causing the co-founder to be moved to an isolated room in the school. At this time Adam was asked by the school be there every afternoon in the room. Because it was the last month of the school year and report cards had been completed, the two co-founders spent the majority of the time jamming out with a keyboard, drumpad, mic and 5 channel looper.

Eli moved up to his high-school not long after. Adam continued to supply at different schools and met many clients from the schools that he worked at that he invited to his personal studio. The founder and co-founder continued to meet outside of school and during that time they would make a breakthrough.   

During June of 2017, Adam was looking at getting an iPad for his personal studio. Eli helped Adam find a good deal for one and reserve it in a store near them. Next time they met they went to pick up the iPad from the store, Eli said: “maybe we should call the iPad the Jampad!” After jamming for a while with the new iPad, Adam said: “what about we call the whole studio the Jampad?” The name stuck and is the name of the music school now.

While Adam worked at schools, Adam encountered many students with learning, mental and physical disabilities,  Adam was able to adapt his instruments to make it easy for these people to play music. Adam is great at working with people with a wide variety of challenges. When Adam worked in these schools with these people he was able to get along with them well and make jamming a fun and even therapeutic experience for a wide range of people.

Music we’ve made

Many of these recordings are thanks to the co-founder “Eli” who was the first one to start recording Adam’s Jams!

Music by Eli and Adam:
